Calculator for calculating the cost of the grain allows to calculate the conditional crediting the weight of the elevator cost of services, as well as the cost of grain on the field, and after part-time work.In the calculator, you can select one of the following orders of part-time work:- drying and cleaning independently;- drying after cleaning;- cleaning after drying.As well as the type of calculation of tonne-per cent:- in the deviation;- Duval by the formula;- in the deviation from the write-off calculation formula Duval.In addition, you can choose the storage:- crediting on the weight of the base figure;- the physical weight;- On the physical weight of less shrinkage.With the calculator you can calculate the cost of the following services:- acceptance;- drying;- Cleaning;- storage;- shipping.The cost of all services is summarized and displayed in a separate block.Based on the above data, the calculator can calculate the value of conditional crediting and physical weight.